Atharva veda chapter 21 verse 6
Atharva veda chapter 21 verse 6

Based on these sources, Kashyap has translated into English all the mantra in all the four Vedas, (Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda) in 26 volumes the books giving both the Sanskrit text of the verses and their translation. Pandit give us a map to understand the esoteric meaning. The translations and commentaries on the Vedas by Sri Aurobindo and Sri Kapāli Śāstry and their disciples like Sri M.P. Obviously one cannot get the internal meaning of the Vedas from these texts. The external interpretation has been the basis for most of the standard Sanskrit commentaries like that of the great medieval scholar Sri Sāyaņāchārya or the English translations and commentaries authored by western indologists and their Indian followers. The meaning of the hymns of Rig Veda will be transparent only if we remember, while studying the texts, the comments provided by Sri Aurobindo and Sri Kapāli Sāstry.īoth Sri Aurobindo and Sri Kapāli Śāstry suggest that Vedas have at least two interpretations, the surface or the external interpretation and the internal or esoteric or symbolic interpretation. However, a casual reader of the Rig Veda Samhitā finds only hymns to various Devās or Gods and the answers to the various questions raised above are not clear. The primary reason why one should read the core of the Vedas, the so called Rig Veda Samhitā, is that it provides answers to most of the above questions. The above questions are of interest to serious students of Indian culture whether they are Hindus or not. I) Are there other modes of knowledge besides intellectual knowledge, which is the type of knowledge made familiar to most of us because of advances made by western science and technology? H) What does this core of the Vedas say on the ontological questions of the One and Many, Man and God’s, This world and other worlds? G) Does this core of the Vedas indicate new paths of spiritual knowledge? The questions that are posed and answered in this essay are:Ī) What are the various books in the collection called Vedas in the broad sense of the word?ĭ) What is the connection between this core and other ancient books of knowledge like Upanishads?Į) What is the connection between this core and the ancient texts of yoga and Tantra?į) What is the relevance of these texts to modern spiritual seekers? For most intellectual Indians having some acquaintance with Hindu philosophy, all the basic spiritual knowledge is contained in the books called Upanishads which are considered an extension of the Vedas. However, the plural Vedas ordinarily refers to the ancient sacred books of the Hindus which are dated not later than 3000 B.C. Veda in Sanskrit means knowledge in all forms. Section 8 reveals how the Upanishads convey these basic ideas in an intellectual format and quotes specifically many verses from the Rig Veda. Sections 6 and 7 discuss the nature of the many gods or deva’s in the veda and shows that they are all aspects of One Supreme being, mentioned as The One (Tat) or That One (that-ekam). Sections 4 and 5 deals with the principles of the meaning assignment and the spiritual meaning of the words in Rig Veda. Section 3 gives the replies to the usual criticisms of the spiritual interpretation. It is a big mistake to try to understand the veda using the books such as Purana’s which are of a much later origin. Thus to understand the veda, the veda itself is the key. Most of the words occurrence in the Rig Veda can be traced to these 600 key words as indicated in this essay. This hidden knowledge can be restored by recovering the hidden meaning of the key-words in the Rig Veda. Each verse or mantra of these books has simultaneously a surface meaning, and a deep meaning which indicates the hidden spiritual knowledge. This essay tries to establish that all the basic spiritual knowledge associated with the sanatana dharma are in the four basic books in Vedic Sanskrit having the names Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda.

Atharva veda chapter 21 verse 6